Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wine Please?

"Trick or Treat, Wine Please"
Every year, October 31st always brings out the inner child in me. I love to dress up and go all out for Halloween (this year, I'm Batman). I'm not a big fan of candy, but I am a hugeeee fan of wine. What would you say if I came to do your door and asked for wine instead of candy? Is this a bit too much? I think I might try it this year. Oh wait, I have to work...

Same Side Booth Sitters

You're all cute, but it's awkward.

We all understand that you both love each other dearly and can't get enough of each other, but save that for home. When you come into a restaurant and sit on the same side of the booth as your lover, it makes it a tad bit awkward for your server. What it actually comes down to is, you are continually reminding us of how shitty our love lives are.  If you must sit on the same side, please try not to make it awkward and lovey for your server. Thanks in advance, love birds.

Empty Pitchers Annoy Me

Most Annoying Thing EVER. 
As a server, you might know how annoying it can be to find the pitchers like this. It is common courtesy to fill the pitchers back up once they are empty, servers. I love all servers dearly, but let's all do this to keep the sanity at a safe level.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Springs1, You Have Issues

Springs1 apparently likes food with her ranch dressing.
If some of you don't know, I am doing this blog for a school project; I will be graded on this. I have been posting away for weeks; true stories, funny pictures, and links to other articles that any server or bartender can relate to . I have actually enjoyed writing on this blog, until Springs1 started to comment on my latest post.
I have never heard anyone speak to another individual like this lady has spoken to me. She has called me stupid and a control freak, things that you just don't say to strangers. I've thought about filing harassment charges, but she isn't worth the trouble. No matter what I say to this lady, she doesn't quit. She is a bully. As the comments continually poured in, I became curious and decided to Google this bitch, and wouldn't you know, she has been causing trouble for bloggers for almost 10 years. Check it out for yourself, here is one article that made me giggle and ultimately made me feel much better.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Obviously, We Don't Get Paid Enough

As a server, I put up with way too much of people's rudeness to deal with on a daily basis. Making eye contact with your server is not against the law, it actually makes your server somewhat like you. "Diet Coke" is not an appropriate answer to "Hi, how are you today?". I will interrupt your conversation if you can't take 10 seconds to pay attention to me. And believe it or not, I really do not want to clean up after your child, that's your job. If you fight over who is going to pay the bill, I will promptly drop the check in the middle of the table and run. Lastly, I do apologize for the menu items being out of stock, but it is not my fault... so do NOT take it out on me.
If you're gonna be an ass, I will be an ass back at you.
If customers weren't a big enough pain in my ass, let's talk about the issues that lie within the business itself. When we get a rush at the restaurant, we all start secretly hating each other for some unknown reason. Or how about when you're ready to start doing side work, and then the manager tells you to do a whole stack of napkins before you leave. Just no.
Here is a the link to an article that outlines 17 times when servers don;t get paid enough.